Saturday, June 2, 2007

We made it!...

through our first movie ....well, we had taken them before but i ended up leaving w/the this was the first time we got to stay till the credits rolled! monumental moment as this is one of my favorite family pastimes! I think it is because i can just sit and not chase everyone around wondering which people they talk to are pedofiles! Yes, i am a tad bit paranoid and always survey the situation before putting myself w/4 kids in it..ha! I think i get this from my paranoid dad! Anyway, they were soooo adorable watching Shrek! Henry ate enough candy to kill someone! Poor little Hildy lou couldnt hold down the seat bc she is such a tiblet...but two ton Henry didnt have that problem..ha! Amazingly, nothing funny happened to mention..just cute and fun. I think Kris and I were just waiting for all hell to break loose and make a quick exit throught the emergency doors..ha! Oops, and i almost forgot if anywone NEEDS the jeans, glow in the dark skull/crossbone Punk Kid tees, or Mogan and Milo skull/crossbone vans that are to die for cute you can get them at! Had to get that in..ha!

1 comment:

Sarah and Travis said...

em, this is soooo cute. those twins are adorable. henry seems so happy all the time!! bought jay and jordyn kirk the lil bro and big sis shirts at White Balloon yesterday! stay in touch! sarah overholt