Friday, January 11, 2008

emtannerdesigns is feelin' the LOVE and sending X's and O's...

Ok, so everyday i become more and more baffled by how many people visit my site and my blog...i mean it is just crazy to me and growing daily! I must admit i still take everything personal ... bc to me emtannerdesigns is just me-a crazy mommy of 4 who has a quick temper, we'll just say not always the most lady like vocabulary for a southern gal..oops!.., a stange knack for self teaching pretty much anything i want to do??, and i think just a pretty strait forward "what you see is what you get" kind of gal! Oh and a crappy english student so i hope no one really pays attention to that!

so anyway... i am feelin' the LOVE! I have to admit i am addicted to my stat counter's visitor path....i love to see where everyone is from...some from hong kong, and pretty much all over....I get so excited when my visitor path pages takes me to one of your blogs/friends blogs, does that when someone has a link on a blog w/my site and people are linking to me from i have stumbled upon quite a few of your blogs that way....ya see, to me because people are posting stuff about emtannerdesigns, adding me to their fave sites, just mentioning my name (which yes, i know is a company to those who dont personally know me) makes me want to know i love reading the blogs and sooo appreciate the "shout outs" i have found in them! I feel like were buds...ha, as always at 3 am i am a dork...but really i personalize it when i see...."i adore emtannerdesigns"...i am like ahhh they like me...when no, they like the cute lunchbox, shirt, etc...but hey that's okay too! okay, starting to ramble i get the point ....i appreciate so much everyone who is spreading the word, posting on blogs, visiting my site, just telling your neighbor about this cute tee you saw, everything!! Thank you thank you...soooo with that said and some valentines days tees underway.... is gonna be sending some of you HuGs and's the dealio:

anyone who has posted about my tees,plates, site, etc or adds or has added me to your site (which that is how i find yours remember) has a chance of getting some XX's and O's from em! Gotta love freebies huh? even if you have gotten an email/link/seen my stuff on a friends blog you can win...just email me at and show us what you saw, what you have posted on your blog, heck anything-how you found us...what you'd like to see us offer, tees you want in the future..stores i need to be in...ANYTHING! We want to know you (i really will read all the blogs of peeps i can peeking into the world of others only to find out that i am always"crazier" dang it)...and your thoughts as we continue this crazy "ride"....the ones that we enjoy the most, like the ideas, are surprised (ie you can send both good and bad stuff...ha...i mean i found my mommy is pretty and a pic of my kid on a spit up site as tackiest tees...ha! shocked me but then it was kinda funny bc i got tons of traffic and orders after that the way i am not like serious about those tees--just think they are mommy and daddy (who obviously dressed the kid in that) has a lighthearted spirit and sense of humor....soooo the spit up peeps need to "lighten up and laugh a bit!", etc....oh and farthest away/most remote blog reader/web siter will def. get some...Let us get to know who you are, what you like, what you need, a great tee slogan that youve never seen before but think you need to, etc! In the meantime ill keep thinking that it's "me"-emtanner that you like...ha!

there will be a winner in each category:
the blog that has added or adds my link and generates the most traffic over the next week.
the blog w/my link that is farthest away
the best tee idea for the future
the best tip/advice/etc.
lastly, were leaving it open for whatever we like!!

i love you guys (just kidding) ...and sorry for being so "lengthy"

I am loving the x's and o's...i have never seen them separate before...may be out there but i havent seen it?? I think bc i am always thinking of my "8 little penpals" on the tube, my 4 kids, my friends 5 kids i just always think in "bundles" (thanks laura.."bundles")-there will be more valentines day tees for like only know ones that dont "play off each other" too! SOON!....shipping the gosselins x's and o's tomorrow so who knows they might just pop up there so keep an eye out (sorry kate if you see this and ive ruined the "what's in the package surprise"?


rachel said...

Hi. I just found your site and am loving it. I think I just read back to October. You are one talented woman!
You do photoshoots... where are you located? I would LOVE pics like yours of my children.
Happy Day to you!

jpdmom said...

Congratulations on your success - it is addictive to see where everyone is coming from. I love watching my numbers go up too - and then I start to wonder WHY no comments on a post? I am still trying to figure that out. Your stuff is so cute - I love reading about other successful entrepreneurs!

Jamie Lentzner

Nickole said...

Okay so I am addicted to your sight. I am looking at my email every thirty minute. Not for order from my customers, but to see if you have approved my wholesale application. Now I'm a dork. Love your products. Love you designs. Love EmTanner

London E said...

I found you while doing some work on new product we are about to launch and realized you are just down the road, well sort of. Your blog is hilarious and I'm only on the last couple of ones. I can't wait to go back and read the rest. FYI, I'm just as addicted to stat counter as you are. I just blogged about it the other day. It's nice to know I'm not the only stat counter freak out there!